Buoyant Extension


April 8, 2024
  • Added a licenseSecret Helm value to allow users to provide their Buoyant License via a Kubernetes secret.
  • Added additionalVolumes and additionalVolumeMounts Helm values to allow users to mount additional volumes and volumeMounts to any Buoyant Extension container.
  • Added a spec.components.linkerd.licenseSecret field to the Managed Linkerd ControlPlane CRD, to allow users to provide their Buoyant License via a Kubernetes secret.
  • Updated linkerd-control-plane-operator to support up to enterprise-2.15.2. View all supported versions for this release.
  • Updated the linkerd-buoyant check CLI output to check the linkerd-control-plane-validator workload, and also point to new doc versions.
  • Updated Go to 1.22.2
  • Updated github.com/docker/docker dependency to remediate CVE-2024-21626 and CVE-2024-24557
  • Updated github.com/golang/protobuf dependency to remediate CVE-2024-24786
  • Updated google.golang.org/grpc dependency to remediate CVE-2023-44487