Buoyant Extension


October 10, 2023
  • Breaking change: The agent now requires Linkerd be installed in the default linkerd namespace.
  • Breaking change: To convert an unmanaged Linkerd installation to managed, the linkerd-control-plane-operator now that requires Linkerd’s Helm releases conform to the default linkerd-crds and linkerd-control-plane names. Users with non-default Helm release names may run linkerd-buoyant controlplane migrate-helm-release to migrate.
  • Updated linkerd-control-plane-operator to support up to edge-23.10.3, stable-2.14.1, and enterprise-2.14.1-2
  • Added support for managing ControlPlane Custom Resources via ArgoCD.
  • Modified Helm value controlPlaneOperator.extendedRBAC.enabled, default changed from true to false. This flag should only be enabled for clusters with Linkerd 2.12 or below.
  • Removed Helm values linkerd.namespace, linkerdJaeger.namespace, and linkerdMulticluster.namespace
  • Added an --enable-pprof debug flag, defaulted to false, on buoyant-cloud-agent, linkerd-control-plane-operator, and linkerd-data-plane-operator
  • Updated buoyant-cloud-agent to send TLS certs from webhook secrets