BEL CLI reference

In addition to the commands provided by the Linkerd CLI, the commands below are available in the BEL CLI.

New in v0.32.0

Collects data from the Linkerd control plane or a Linkerd proxy running in a specified pod, and generates a single gzip file that can be sent to Buoyant for further analysis.

Control plane bundle:

linkerd buoyant diagnostics

Proxy bundle:

linkerd buoyant diagnostics -pod hello-5774974dbc-qlct8
-f, --fileWrite the diagnostics bundle to the specified file
-n, --namespaceCollect diagnostics for the proxy running in the specified namespace
-p, --podCollect diagnostics for the proxy running in the specified pod
-h, --helphelp for diagnostics

Audits FIPS compliance on Linkerd-enabled clusters.

linkerd fips audit
--verboseList each Linkerd proxy that was checked for FIPS compliance
-h, --helphelp for audit

Prints client license information based on the BUOYANT_LICENSE environment variable, and the server license based on the current cluster.

linkerd license
--clientPrint the client license only
-h, --helphelp for license

Generates policy based on current traffic.

linkerd policy generate
--concurrencyLimit of concurrent requests to the Kubernetes API (default 10)
--disable-auditDisable audit mode, deny traffic
--verboseOutput detailed logging to stderr
-h, --helphelp for generate