Versions and Platforms
Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is published as stable, versioned releases. The latest version is BEL enterprise-2.17.1. These releases are intended for production use.
Stable releases
All BEL releases are stable releases. These releases are designed to introduce minimal change to an existing system and come with documented stability guarantees. Stable releases provide “semantic versioning” guarantees, including that changes in minor versions are as minimal as possible and do not introduce breaking changes.
For stable releases, BEL follows a version numbering scheme of the form
. In other words, “2” is a static prefix, followed
by the major version, then the minor. For example, enterprise-2.15.6
major version 15, minor version 6.
Changes in minor versions are intended to be backwards compatible with the previous version and will typically not introduce new features. Changes in major version will typically introduce major new features, which may introduce breaking changes, but only if necessary—and only if well-documented.
For example:
- Moving from
: minor version upgrade; no breaking changes. - Moving from
: major version upgrade; possible breaking changes that require action on your part. See release notes for details.
We also publish hotpatch releases that are designed to ease compliance with automated security scanners. These releases are marked with an additional patch level suffix. For example:
: major version 16, minor version 1, no hotpatchenterprise-2.16.2-1
: major version 16, minor version 2, hotpatch 1
Hotpatch releases are only available on some plans. See Plans and Pricing for details.
Supported Kubernetes versions
The officially supported Kubernetes versions are as follows:
Linkerd Version | Minimum Kubernetes Version | Max Kubernetes Version |
enterprise-2.14 | 1.21 | 1.28 |
enterprise-2.15 | 1.22 | 1.31 |
enterprise-2.16 | 1.22 | 1.31 |
enterprise-2.17 | 1.22 | 1.32 |
Tested Kubernetes platforms
BEL should work on any relatively modern Kubernetes distribution. We actively test the latest release of BEL against specific platforms and environments. Known tested platforms for BEL enterprise-2.17.1 include:
Provider/Distribution | Platform Details | Test status |
Amazon EKS | 1.25 (m6i.large) | |
Amazon EKS | 1.30 (m6i.large) | |
Amazon EKS | 1.30 (m6i.large, cilium) | |
Amazon EKS | 1.30 (m7g.large, linux/arm64) | |
Amazon EKS | 1.31 (m6i.large) | |
Amazon EKS | 1.32 (m6i.large) | |
Google GKE | 1.30 (n2-standard-2) | |
Microsoft Azure AKS | 1.30 (Standard_B2ms) | |
Microsoft Azure AKS | 1.30.3 (Standard_DS4_v2) | |
Microsoft Azure AKS | 1.31.3 (Standard_DS3_v2) | |
Oracle OKE | 1.30.1 (VM.Standard2.4) | |
Rancher RKE2 | 1.30.9 (r1.large) | |
Red Hat OpenShift | 4.15.0-okd (r1.large) |