v0.22.0 agent migration to new namespace

Buoyant Cloud Agent v0.22.0 installs into the linkerd-buoyant namespace. Previous versions of the agent installed into the buoyant-cloud namespace. The commands below will aide in migrating to the new namespace during v0.22.0 upgrade.

Migrating a Helm-installed agent

helm repo add linkerd-buoyant https://helm.buoyant.cloud
helm repo update

# save existing Helm values
helm get values --namespace buoyant-cloud linkerd-buoyant --output yaml > values.yaml

# migrate resources to new namespace annotations
kubectl annotate --overwrite -A --selector app.kubernetes.io/part-of=buoyant-cloud ClusterRole,ClusterRoleBinding,CustomResourceDefinition,Role,RoleBinding,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration meta.helm.sh/release-namespace=linkerd-buoyant

# install agent in new namespace
helm install --create-namespace --namespace linkerd-buoyant --wait -f values.yaml linkerd-buoyant linkerd-buoyant/linkerd-buoyant

# delete old namespace
kubectl delete ns buoyant-cloud

Migrating a CLI-installed agent

curl https://buoyant.cloud/install | sh

# migrate resources to new namespace annotations
kubectl create ns linkerd-buoyant

kubectl -n buoyant-cloud get ConfigMap/agent-metadata --output yaml | sed 's/namespace: buoyant-cloud/namespace: linkerd-buoyant/' | kubectl apply -f -

kubectl -n buoyant-cloud get Secret/buoyant-cloud-org-credentials --output yaml | sed 's/namespace: buoyant-cloud/namespace: linkerd-buoyant/' | kubectl apply -f -

# install agent in new namespace
linkerd-buoyant install | kubectl apply -f -

# delete old namespace
kubectl delete ns buoyant-cloud