Getting started

Welcome to Buoyant Cloud!

There are several important things you need to know before you get started:

  1. Buoyant Cloud is only available on the enterprise plan of BEL
  2. Buoyant Cloud requires Kubernetes. You’ll also need to be able to use kubectl (the Kubernetes command-line interface). You’ll need to have appropriate permissions in Kubernetes - specifically installation of clusterroles and clusterrolebindings.
  3. Buoyant Cloud relies on Linkerd for most of its metrics. The clusters you want Buoyant Cloud to view must have the Linkerd control plane installed in the linkerd namespace, and a workload must be running the Linkerd proxy (the data plane) if you want metrics for that workload.
  4. After creating your Buoyant Cloud account, you’ll need to install the Buoyant Cloud agent on your cluster. Buoyant Cloud will guide you through the agent install process once you have created your account.